Saturday, September 11, 2010

...of weighing thoughts...

"oh the comfort,
the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them all right out, just as they are.”
~Dinah Maria Mulock
what a wonderful
feeling that is.
summer has taken
a sharp turn.
it has "caught a cold"
as my grandma byers use to say.
i am in hopes that this
is just a product of the hurricane.
that next week will be back
to nice weather.
i was suppose to have last week off...
but started a new job.
so i was secretly happy for me
that it was crappy weather.
we are playing with shadows.
come on over and join us.
just BE.
remembering today...9-11-01
remembering the loss.
remembering America's ability to come together
in her time of need.


  1. It seems odd, but in a hot summer, the sun seems an enemy. Likewise, the lack of sun in a cold winter is an irritant. So, your point is well taken - just the right amount of sun (such as on the board) makes for the temperate days of Autumn and Spring so wonderful...just the right amount of sun!

  2. Lovely image. Love the depth of field...and somehow it has an appropriately sombre feel to it...

  3. Old wood ~ no botox ~ reflects years of experience. I'm spending a day of reflection today(9/11) and thinking of times past.

  4. All the best in your new job!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. I love your quote and photo. Hope the new job is going well!

  6. I don't know if it was intentional to have that dead marigold flower in the picture, but, so appropo for today. The marigold link hearkens to the marigolds used in the Day of the Dead celebration of the loved ones that have passed away and remembering them.
    If it wasn't intentional, then I hope this connection does not offend you.
    I just thought it was a nice connection. And, a nice image!

  7. All the best in your new job.

    I can't tell what the phot is of actually...but it doesn't really matter as the all-over effect is artsy. :)

  8. A beautiful photo for today or any day.

    Alberta, Canada

  9. Wonderful shot and of course I love the words...I always felt so safe and content when I was with my husband at was when he didn't come home that the tragedy began...a tragedy that plays over and over again when married to an alcoholic...but I consider it lessons in higher thinking...I can be happy and fulfilled in any situation, I just had to put myself in that happy and music and each new born breath, you just have to believe in peace of mind and soul AND forgiveness!

    Hope you had fun at the game, we had rain yesterday afternoon, but as you can see from the blog, I was busy all afternoon, that's what rainy days are for...right!!!

    Hey Tilda, are ya startin' to trade seasonal clothes yet...I dropped a HEAVY, 3 foot, oak pillar on my foot the other day, my thick woolly sock was the only thing that made it feel good, as I limped all over the house...couldn't get a shoe on to get old huh(not a pretty sight walkin' upstairs)!!!

    Have a great Sunday sisters!!!


  10. A lovely image and I like the connection that Paula made with the marigold. I hope your new job is going well so far! It's not so bad experiencing crappy weather while stuck at work. As long as some nice weather appears during our days off! Fingers crossed your nice weather returns soon :)

  11. nice shot, and great words to go with it.

  12. Wonderful pot pourri of shadow tones! There is a subdued hush in this photo that seems to speak to the recesses of the soul!

  13. what wood knows:
    summed up in a tree
    felled and milled

    SSS: Come, Light

  14. paula...i did not think of the flower until after i looked at the photo when i was done. then it was kind of like my breath was taken away. death is in the photo...but so is goodness and light. i did not plan my post this way...but these things have a way of working like that... goosebumps.

  15. Oh how I love this picture...and your Grandma's saying that summer has caught a that! Have a lovely week!

  16. Really pretty shot Robin...and always lovely words:) Congrats on your new job.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.