Saturday, September 4, 2010

...imagine the silence...

black-eyed susan looking at her shadow.
imagine the silence you hear
after listening to a beautiful piece of music,
or even just a beautiful chord.
does it have different qualities
compared to regular silence?
remember that this quality of silence
holding the memory of beauty is always present,
even if you can't detect it.
heavenly music lies latent
in silence as Michelangelo's statue of David
once lay hidden
within a lump of marble.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment
it is saturday.
sunday down under.
where we play in the shadows
every week.
may you experience that beautiful chord today.
just BE.


  1. The flower looks as amazed (as do we) at the size and beautiful silhouette of this flora. The sun is still strong and the shapes wonderful. Happily Labor is the 'unofficial' end of summer, and thankfully we have another three months...

  2. Great post!
    Listening ambient music right now
    reading your post...
    Moment gone.
    Happy SSS!

  3. Love your shadow shots for the day and how true your words are! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend, Robin!


  4. A beautiful day makes us living things happy, aren't we?

    Love your post.

    Happy SS...

  5. I love the one with the clothes pin

  6. Really nice. I love the depth of field in both shots.

  7. Black eyed Susan looks quite narcissistic contemplating her shadow. Nice peg with socks on as well especially against that background.

  8. The daisy/ sunflower shot is glorious! So simple but so sublime - the clothes peg is also a terrific shot! Hope you're having a terrific weekend!

  9. Love the idea that it's the quality of silence which holds the memory of beauty! Beautiful sunflower and shadow and adore your title for this photo!

  10. Oh how true the silence...Scratchy and I sat in the doorway of the new shop the other evening just listening to the rain on the new metal roof...and when it ceased, there was the silence of anticipation awaiting the next sounds to surprise our wondering was the gentle wind...

    Your shots are fabulous as always my lil' friend, as are your sentiments!

    Hey Tilda...I actually put on socks and jeans today...brrrr this it Autumn already girls???!


  11. your images that represent silence are so loud that I can hear a pin drop

  12. Mmmm...that peg photo is lovely. I'm now enjoying some silence after a noisy day spent with family celebrating Fathers Day. A good day. Just a loud one with the energetic little nephews! I hope the remainder of your weekend is wonderful Robin :)

  13. I love your first photo!

  14. Love the shadow on the black eyed susan- you do beatiful shots-very thought provoking.

  15. always, my heart feels rested and satisfied when I stop by to visit with you.

  16. Great black eyed susan shadow shot! I like the peg to.
    Neat photos.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.