Sunday, August 1, 2010


above photo in august break
i do suppose...
that a rainy
does make you
slow down.
and remember to
see the small things.
i am always on the
look out .
for the small things...
but rainy days.
make me just
that much more aware.
i like that.
this morning is foggy.
and i like that too.
misty and mysterious.
like the day
is a package
waiting to be opened.
will the fog burn off
to reveal the sun?
the day awaits...
hello august.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Wonderful photos and your words, alway good, today speak what I often feel in winter. Winter is when the fog comes an sits for weeks in my part of the world and when the rain comes if it is willing to come at all.

  2. I am so glad I stopped by your blog. Your pictures are wonderful,and what a wonderful message to correspond with them. I think we all should take time to see the small things. Thanks for sharing these great shots!!

  3. Ditto on what Martha said! I love the reoccurring 'refreshment of the liquid kind' theme in your postings. The invitation to just be.

  4. Your blog is lovely and I love your photos. I'm a fellow August Breaker and am looking so forward to seeing everyone's photos! Have subscribed to your blog.

    xo Erin

  5. you are so beautiful, capturing the most amazing moments. I love coming to visit with you here.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.