Saturday, May 22, 2010


differs from recklessness
in coming from a strong, mature assessment.
a reckless person has
not anticipated the likeliest consequences:
a courageous person has,
and is ready to face
any eventuality that
might arise,
even the ones that cannot be foreseen.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment
courage was.
letting this big...thing...
pick him up.
maybe because it was cold,
maybe because it was wet.
courage to hold on
as this big thing.
walked across the yard.
taking it from it's hiding place in the grass.
courage to sit there.
holding on.
with this big thing watching.
as the sun warmed it's body.
as the sun dried it's wings.
courage to take flight,
not because it was scared,
but because it was ready.
compassion of a boy.
who would rather
patiently wait and discover.
than squish it from existence.
i too, am watching, his wings...
this was my priceless moment.
light + objects = shadows
just BE.


  1. He reminds me so of my Grandson, back in the day, when discoveries and knowledge were an endless adventure...I was lucky to have this little soul in my life, as are you.

    You are truly a sister of the soul little friend, even if only virtual, minds meld!!!

    See ya fer coffee in the 'morrow...hey Tilda, I still got the electric blanket plugged in and the wool socks at the it our age???

    I care not, just gimme another day to ponder!


  2. Such lovely shots of the dragonfly and the boy. And the shadows they cast are great.

  3. Whoa! These are BeAutiFul Shadow Shots, Robin!!

  4. These are fantastic, Robin! The beautiful little boy and the dragonfly, so perfect. It's as if they are studying each other. Amazing captures and they did take my breath away! Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Wonderful post!

    That's a beautiful portrait, and the shadows are perfect.

    It's amazing that the dragonfly actually stayed on his finger. I wouldn't have had his courage to try holding it.

  6. The dragonfly is so exquisite in its beauty, so frail on the ground yet so mighty in flight. Wonders should never cease for all of us but especially for the young. No cynicism about the world as grown-ups may have, but a curiosity and appreciation for life - for all the beauty that surrounds us. A wonderful post!

  7. amazing photos and excellent words to go with them!

  8. Wow, great series. I especially love the shadow of the dragonfly's wings in the last one.

    Brave kid...

  9. These beautiful images took my breath away. Courage is a two way street - I think your son is equally as courageous for allowing the dragon fly to land on his finger. Simply stunning.

  10. Good shots...You captured them in the perfect moment...

    Soo wonderful photo and your thoughts is superb...

  11. Hello Robin,
    Isn't this dragonflies adorable? I recall calling them helicopter when I was a tod.

    I grew up in the countryside and catching them was one beautiful memories.

    Cool capture, Lady! Have a nice w/end.

  12. Though the pictures actually gave me the willies, I have to admit, I found this shadow shot series really effective and compelling.

  13. O what a beautiful moment! Clearly we can see the young boy's gentle interest in this little creature! And love all the shadow shapes and magically lit wings!

  14. They are beautiful shots.Captured perfectly.

  15. Oh my! That first photo of the boy and dragonfly is exquisite! You've captured such a beautiful expression of curiosity on his sweet face. The following two photos are great too! A special moment you've shared with us! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  16. AnonymousMay 23, 2010

    Love your shadow shots today, the dragonfly is beautiful! :)

  17. No wonder you're proud of this post! Your brave, gentle boy must be such a joy.

  18. those shots are perfect. And shadows are where shall be. I know how this feels. I had some on my fingers too a few times. They are stronger then you might think.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.