Saturday, February 27, 2010

...light and shadows...

we speak of "losing ourselves"
in profound and absorbing experiences,
and the metaphor
is an apt one.
take this idea literally
and visit somewhere new to you-
a stretch of countryside,
a safe area of a city.
use a map to plan a walk,
and set off with refreshments.
at a certain point,
tuck the map away and walk from memory.
when you become disorientated,
relish this liberating sensation.
appreciate what you discover.
in unfamiliar territory
we can
learn how
~1,001 ways to live in the moment
light + objects = shadows
just BE.


  1. The chair seems right here - like the reading on how to live for the moment, we don't have to stay seated - we can explore, enjoy the sights and learn a thing or two as well. The chair in this case not only shows shadows of artistry, bit it is now empty with the previous occupant enjoying their walk. Nice post!

  2. Great shot!
    I scrolled down your blog and I love these 'ways to live moments' -very nice with your images.

  3. Nice Shadow Shot. I couldn't agree with "appreciating being disoriented" part of the words though...I've been lost and disoriented enough times to say it's not fun for me!! (Now when we are headed in no particular direction, that's another story. Then it's an adventure!) Happy SSS!

  4. I just love this, so perfectly true and the bars of sunlight captured on this old relic is proof that all we see is a moment in time to be relished by the soul.

    Like those first moments of a morning when you awake and feel the stretch of your canine companion at your side...unconditional love in a ball, starts my day off with a smile and a deep breath...bring it on, I'm alive and another day simple was that!

    It's the little things my friend!

    Twas a chilly morn, thanks for the coffee! Mmmm, that sounds good right now!


    Hey Tilda, beautiful sun aye!!!



  5. I have at times, while exploring, lost my way. I always have made it back safely and in the process grown more confident.
    Nice post.

  6. What a beautiful image that chair makes. Lovely! I'm hopeless at reading maps so I'm often getting lost. I quite enjoy being lost except for when it happens in a big shopping centre & I can't find my way out again. So I try to avoid shopping centres. I think that they're designed that way with hopes of us spending more money on our way to finding an exit point...

  7. oooh I really really love this one really

  8. FABULOUS shadow shot and what an amazing thought... I do know EXACTLY what you mean, though... ever since we started going camping a couple years ago, I have done just that... learned how to see again! :)

  9. I would need to take my camera with me to capture a new experience! Nice thoughts. The chair is an interesting example of cropping to enhance the shadows!

  10. When we were kids, we'd visit our grandparents in Florida & ride around on our bikes. We'd always take an unfamiliar way & get lost. We could never really get lost - all roads would always take us back to the main road eventually - but it was exciting :)
    Love the shadow...and the words - it brought this memory to mind & made it's point. Have a great week ahead Robin!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.