Sunday, February 7, 2010


"you cannot tread the path until you become the path yourself."
zen saying
finding your path
can be difficult,
but yogis believe
that once you are on it,
life becomes simpler and more peaceful.
it's advisable not to
simply follow someone else's path,
for the ultimate result may be dukkha (suffering).
ponder your life path.
if it feels like it's on loan,
it may not be right for you.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment
as i walked around
this morning,
i took in
all these different paths.
each having
a different way to go,
but at one point
they intersected.
we chose our path,
but others come in contact with our path.
they may help us along our way or
they may be a roadblock on our journey.
figure that out.
embrace those who are helping.
gently walk away from those who don't.
it is your path.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Beautiful words of wisdom Robin. I am so happy that my life path has intersected with yours through blogging.

    gentle steps,

  2. Me too!!! Funny how blogging has blazed the trail for many paths, some taken, some gently walked away from...but I treasure the paths that make me smile...thanks for making me smile lil' sister!

    Love your new header...reminds me of my wool socks at the end of the season...right Tilda!!!

  3. Oh Robin,
    I am in the midst of walking is so true...and sad...
    Beautiful words lately.thank you


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.