Saturday, December 19, 2009


I believe in a new days discovery.
I believe, in the beauty of nature.
I believe, in the kiss of the rain.
I believe that true friends are rare.
I believe in charity, without recognition.
I believe, in extending a helping hand,
to those in need.
I believe, in preserving the dignity of humanity.
I believe in the innocence of children.
I believe that one, should never let their heart,
do their thinking.
I believe, in the goodness of humanity.
I believe, that true trust, is like interest earned, on money in a bank...
it comes with the passing of time.
I believe in wisdom.
I believe in the beauty of a starlit sky.
I believe in promises kept.
I believe that America, truly is the land of opportunity.
I do not believe, that most dreams come true.
I do believe, that dreams can lead one to the path,
of ones inner desires.
I believe, that many listen, but do not hear.
I believe in honesty and integrity.
I believe, in a mothers love.
I believe in a fathers pain.
I believe, in placing ones family first.
I believe that many successful people,
leave in their path,
countless orphans of success.
I believe, when the sickness is sadness,
laughter is the cure.
I believe, that a good work ethic, can serve all of us well.
I believe in good wine and good friends.
I believe, in a time each day, to give thanks.
I believe in forgiveness.
I believe, if one can forgive a friend,
then surely, one can forgive family.
I believe in the power of the written word.
I still believe in hand written letters.
I believe the first cup of coffee in the morning,
is the best.
I's important to believe in something you care about.
I believe, in sanctity of life.
I believe that each day of life,
is precious
and a treasure of limitless value.
~ Joe Fazio
my most favorite
shadow so far...
light + object= shadow
has more.
i believe?...
just BE.


  1. And behold...angels from up above, grace us here on are blessed lil'sister!

    32 here today and very damp, the ol' bones doth protest! But the coffee is delightful...THANKS!

    Hey Tilda...

  2. What a wonderful portrait - very effective use of shadows!

    ... See the "Bubbles"

  3. Fabulous capture! What a handsome young man!! And I love Joe Fazio's
    words! Perfect!

    Have a great weekend!


  4. What a handsome young man-he will break some hearts for sure if he hasn't already! And, a great shot, BTW!

  5. This is a beautiful poem. Children are born pure, with no animosities and no hate. All children are inquisitive and have a capacity to love us as we are, as we do them. The best things, the values and hopes we have we try to instill in our kids. As parents who love them, it is a burden of love to teach...This is a beautiful shadow on a beautiful child!

  6. What a beautiful post - and I can see why this is your favourite shadow so far. Have a joyous Christmas with your family. My husband and I will have all our family up here with us this year, and with our 7 grandchildren getting to know each other a little better, it's going to be such fun.

  7. Yes, this is a wonderful portrait. The words are food for thought, something to chew over.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing that poem. I need to learn to not let my heart do my thinking for me...

    I think your shadow shot this week is my favourite of yours so far too! Is this your son? Whoever he is, he's a very handsome looking young man!

  9. Have a great ShadowShotSunday
    Happy holidays!


  10. Lovely photo!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.