Thursday, November 26, 2009

...give thanks with a grateful heart...

an open home, an open heart,
here grows a bountiful harvest.
~judy hand
take a moment today.
by yourself.
or gathered 'round
with your loved ones.
to give thanks
with a grateful heart.
just BE.


  1. AMEN sister, what a beautiful season begins...we have no snow, just wind and a few raindrops...but the house is warmed by the oven and the punkin' pies, Granny's bakin' powder biscuits and the hope of another day in the life...

    What beautiful photos you give us today to remember how simple yet complex life can be...

    Good to have yous in my life...thanks for the coffee!!!

  2. lovely photos as always robin...and coordinated words as well...may this day be filled with all the nourishment you require; body, mind, heart and soul.


  3. love the pics... and yes, we should at this time and always have an attitude of graditude!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.