Tuesday, September 8, 2009

...give me words to speak...

"Give me Words to speak
Don’t let my Spirit sleep"

Aaron Shust-Give Me Words to Speak
what an awesome view
to wake up to monday morning.
a grand old oak-
with the morning sun
gracing us with it's presence.
the magnitude of this stately tree
is not clearly defined
in this photo.
it was the perfect ending to a great
holiday weekend.
just BE.


  1. Absolutely lovely! I just love the way sunlight beams through old, stately trees. It feels as if heaven is reaching down to touch us...

  2. jan...so true...it was an ahhh moment...one where you are grateful that you were able to witness the beauty...hope all is well with you, thanks for stopping by.

  3. I love those sun rays streaming through the foliage. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  4. What a vision of majesty...I love trees and proud to call myself a 'hugger'...I have been so swamped making soap, I have just enough time to check out a few blogs, then right back to the cauldron...but I love it!!!

    I'mm totally out of coffee been too pooped to go to the store, so maybe I'll see ya for tea tomorrow lil' sister...say hi to Ma!!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.