Sunday, September 20, 2009


this caterpillar.
is no longer
with us.
the frost of last night
has left him and his buddies
on the steps.
the seasons are indeed changing.
the withered black-eyed susan
catches a glimpse of
the life and youth of the younger
flowers behind them.
soon the beauty of the weeds
in the garden
will be a fuzzy blur.
"...Don't cry because it's over, smile because it was..."
seasons change.
with each time passage
find your joy.
enjoy the ride.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Hard frost has blighted
    black-eyed Susans, butter beans
    lie toppled by ice.

    My Shadow Shot

  2. Go away winter....I banish thee!

    Didn't work. Darn.

  3. My driveway is full of leaves I crunch over as I back the Jeep into the street. Fall is indeed coming. Always a summertime gal, I have learned to embrace this changing of the seasons, although I admit to truly not liking cold weather. My Maggie the Cat, battling her demon kidney disease, no way out but death, is greatly responsible for this. It was thought she would not last through last summer, but she did, and did it well, celebrated my November birthday with me, Christmas, New Year's, saw spring come again this year, still doing well, celebrated her 17th birthday in May, and yet another summer, still doing quite well. Late last fall as I would drive her to the vet's office every Saturday morning, I watched the trees change into oranges and reds and bright golds - I grew to know the trees on our route. Now I have hope to see them with her again, knock on wood. So yes, "with each time passage find your joy. enjoy the ride." Yes, yes, and more yes.

    :) Debi

  4. Nice combination of words and photos here...

  5. lovely series of photos, specially the second, the blurred background is perfect...


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.