Wednesday, July 15, 2009

...importance of solitude...

if women were convinced
that a day off
or an hour
of solitude
was a reasonable ambition,
they would
find a way of attaining it.
as it is,
they feel so unjustified
in their demand
that they rarely
make the attempt.
~anne morrow lindbergh
just BE.


  1. This is so true, my Father has never taken time out of a day to just enjoy a day, it was work, work, work...I'm afraid I have the same affliction...however, it's good to see him finally taking his retirement seriously...and me...I know the meaning of a good time off, it doesn't take much to fulfill my dreams these days, a moment in the evening when I listen to just the wind and the song of the frogs or that house finch that follows me 'round the yard on a warm summer's have to take the time to just listen and relax in the moment...sometimes that's all it takes...

    See ya for latte???

  2. Annes quote says it all.

  3. sweet images to go with sweet words... the bokeh in that second shot is AWESOME!

  4. shannon~ what kind of photographer am i??? i had to look up the word bokeh!! i really must take lessons!! thanks for stopping by!!!

    deb~ this is a wonderful quote...sadly...we don't take enough time for ourselves...

    sharon~my dear, i don't know that you will ever completely slow down...but you take pleasure in the simple things when you do...and that is worth a lot!! latte sounds mighty good...see ya soon!

  5. Lovin' that peg photo! Love the one below too!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.