Sunday, July 26, 2009


the marigolds are borrowed from
a sunny day.
they themselves, however, are
sweet droplets of sunshine anytime.
today i had coffee with the awe-manac: a daily dose of wonder.
i peeked ahead to this...
the inner awe-lixer
finding your inner--view
it's what's on the inside that counts
take the time to come home to yourself everyday. ~robin casarjean
the outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.
~james allen
with the realization of one's own potential and self confidence in one's own ability, one can build a better world. ~dalai lama
...there is no place like inner space...
a place of acceptance, relaxation, peace and calm:
whenever you go there it is.
the inner awe-lixer is filled
with all of your favorite inner states of being:
the middle of marvels,
letting go:
and of course,
inner peace.
these beings grow when the meditative spirit is cultivated,
when we opt to release the struggle,
when we flow with the peaceful vine of the flowing breath.
remember the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you. ~rumi
it is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
~agnes repplier
what might happen if you find your inner--view you ask?
possible effects:
results in discovering a calm presence,
strength of spirit,
the possible-self,
assured contentment,
a fountain of inner beauty visible on the outside,
brilliant corridors of imagination;
grounded in visceral clarity;
restoring through stillness,
meditation and spiritual connection.
good food for thought
on this Sunday morning.
coffee was also spent with
as she is the winner of my
200th post giveaway!!!
congrats my dear friend...
send me an email with your address
and i will be sending you
something from the farm
that has been an inspiration to me.
thank you to all who left your comments.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. WOWZA...I wasn't even expecting this when I checked my comments...especially after reading all of the inspirations and finishing that cup of java...I'll have to check out this book, sounds like my kinda study!

    I'm enjoying the still of a morn painting furniture for a few hours before I make my jaunt to work, it looks like we will be getting the little cottage across the street from our shop, time for expansion and room to dwell...WE HAVE A PORCH AND A SWING...boy will the ideas flow from this lil' dwelling!

    You have a wonderful Sunday sweet friend...say hi to Ma...time for the second coat of WHITE!

    Thanks for the coffee and inspiration...AND THE GIFT of Robin!


  2. Perfect flower, love the vibrant color with the stillness and calmness of your words... A marigold, the flower you can always count on, just like a true friend...


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.