Sunday, May 17, 2009

...loving it when life is simple...

when my heart is full of happiness simply by looking at a mowed lawn, a turkey and a cat.

this morning,
while drinking coffee on the porch...
i watched this scene unfold...
gandalyn has taken
her place now, actually in the
hole at the bird feeder.
previously she would
watch the birds from the
safety beneath a cart.
the turkeys were out for their
morning breakfast...not knowing
that gandalyn was watching from
the hole.
i am sure that they both would have
stood their ground but
the suspense was too much...
i had mattie remove the kitty.
crisis averted.
yesterday i was "fretting" not worrying..."fretting" (right sue...)
about the riding mower needing tending to...
the grass was long overdue for it's first cutting of the year...
while i am a girl who likes to tinker with things
and try and figure things out... i was stuck.
i was trying to figure out how to drain the oil,
which has gas in it...out of the mower.
then my knight in shining armor came to save the day...
my dad.
he always has the right tools, and always has the know how...and doesn't have to stumble his way through things...he just knows. i love that about him...i am his biggest fan.
thanks pa. i love you.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to Sunday morning.
just BE


  1. beautiful images... i love gandalyn's whiskers!!

    (hooray for dad... isn't it amazing how someone coming along can just take us right out of out fretting... i think i'll start using that word too... worrying is a little frayed around the edges :)

  2. joanne~fretting seems like it would mean less worry lines too..don't you think?? yes, let's stick with fretting. but let's not have too many fretting days...but happy, good ones. i will if you will...double dog dare ya!!

  3. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    Well my dear, thinking I am the Sue you are referring to in regards to the word 'fretting'......Uncle Junior was sooooo adamant in not wanting any of us to use the word worry and instead preferred we use the word fret. Maybe he had the right idea. Whatever, we should not waste our time on either one of these words and just simply take what comes directly and handle it as it comes, for really, it seems most things tend to work out in the end, within God's plan, not ours if we believe........blessings....sue


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.