Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Learn appreciation.
Be willing
to take lovingly
each small gift of life,
receive it,
acknowledge that you have received it,
appreciate it
and wallow in it.
You won't be happy
with more
until you're happy
with what you've got.
let's see, i will receive the snow of the last two days...
i am acknowledging that i received it...
i can appreciate the snow-in it's intricate beauty...
wallow??? i will "become very involved in" knowing that
spring is coming...so i will take the snowflakes until the very last one has dropped from the sky.
just BE.


  1. still doing my best to send some springtime your way :)


  2. Hey sunshine:
    i loved your park pictures!!!!!! it was a "nice" day here...sunny, the frogs were chirping...still coolish...but we will take it. thanks for pictures on your site...llllooovveed them all!!!!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.