Monday, March 16, 2009

...the velveteen principles...

it's funny how you start out thinking in one
then you go an entirely different direction!
i was digging through a box
looking for a book about angels...
when i found this book...
it's been packed away since
our move.
it's called
The Velveteen Principles
A Guide to Becoming Real
Hidden Wisdom from a Children's Classic.
Toni Raiten-D'Antonia.

Here is what the inside cover says:

"There is a difference between superficial beauty and the inner beauty we all possess as unique human beings. One is the product of the object culture, which reduces us to the things we own and the milestones we accomplish. The other is the result of a life well lived, where our struggles and challenges make us more lovable and truly ourselves. Inner beauty, the kind you can feel and others can see, is what happens when you stop chasing false ideals and become the Real person you are meant to be.

The Velveteen Principles is a guide to becoming Real-Real with ourselves, Real with our hopes and desires, Real with the people we love, and Real with everyone else, too. Through the simple wisdom of a children's classic, it invites us to strip off the trappings of the object culture and remember the things that make us unique, happy and worthy of love. And it shows us that, just as it was for the Velveteen Rabbit in Margery Williams' enduring fable, Real is a process that is sometimes intimidating and sometimes, painful, but in the end, far more rewarding than we ever could have imagined.

In a time when the pursuit of instant gratification and the stress of daily life can swamp us and cause us to "break easily or have sharp edges," this book offers a safe and steady course toward peace, self-acceptance and true love.

It's easy to lose our way. It's easy to forget the simple joys of life. But with the help of a wise old skin horse and sawdust-filled bunny, The Velveteen Principles will set you back on the course to Real, and remind you that Real, isn't how you are made, it's something inside of you. And once you are Real, things will never be the same."

it's back out now,
on my shelf.
i will read it again.
it is a wonderful little book...
if you get a chance to read it...
you will remember the story
of the rabbit and the boy...
and you just might begin to
feel "real" as well.
just BE.

1 comment:

  1. i am glad, miss karin, that you happened by...if you can't find a copy of the C.S. mom has them for sale...let me know...and we can hook you up!!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.