Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello...Mother Nature??

anytime now Mother Nature...
enough of the white stuff already!!!
just BE.


  1. My heart goes out to everyone so much farther North than me, this is how I felt last year...would it ever be warm again.

    Every thing is so flooded down here. There is still frost in the ground, so water just stands in the fields, we look like we're in lake country.

    You words below are so comforting, wish I could share a cup o joe with you guys on your deck...we could toast to the red, white and blue...we are so lucky to have been born in this wonderful spite of our government!

    It's so cold here today, me and the dog slept on the couch last night, the wind howling on the second floor was too creepy, because of that big ol' Chinese Elm that sways too close to my bedroom winda'...

    Have a great week friend!


  2. today...65mph winds AND snow!!! Cold, cold, cold!!!! We too had the lake look when it rained all day Saturday...then sleeted, then turned to snow. It's just not funny any more!!!!!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.