Friday, June 15, 2018

...just BE...

Most people know this if they stop to think about it,
 but everyone can talk to the wind. 
It’s as simple as saying something like, ‘Hey, Wind.’ or ‘How’s it going?’
 Most people don’t do this because they
 think they’ll look crazy. 
Which they do if they hang out with the kind of people
 who don’t hear the wind when it answers.
my gardens.
make my heart.
smile biggest.
just BE.

i hope you will join me.
today and every friday.
join me in this space to.
just BE.
shake off the ugly.
bask in the moments.
breathe in the truth.
and beauty.
that is there.
if you just look.

thanks for joining me.
invite your friends...
let's make the movement to
just BE.

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful garden. I'm jealous. Anytime I feel warm wind on my face. I think : 'The wind. Anything can happen' (It's from 'The Holiday')
    Thank you for hosting.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.