Saturday, October 18, 2014 of those miracles...

I knew a man in college who grew up in the inner city of Chicago & what he was doing in Iowa
I never did figure out. But whenever he would see a jet trailing across the sky, 
he would stop everything he was doing & he would watch. Once, after a jet was gone & there was 
nothing left but the white line disappearing like a scar into the blue, he turned to me & said, 
An airplane is a miracle & I didn’t give it much thought, but now & then, when I am ready to give
up hope for human beings in general, & for one or two of them who are bugging me specifically, 
I will look to the sky & there will be one of those miracles & I will remember it’s all about 
concentrating on the right thing.

my mom.
popped her head in last weekend and said.
"your smoke is doing that thing again"
an ordinary moment.
with an extraordinary result.
if you have a chance today.
listen to this.
just BE.


  1. I watched start of that video -
    it's a good reminder.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Is that a stream of light or a rock illusion? Nature gives me hope.

  3. Loving that 'smoke'! It's a cue the angels singing kind of moment and oh so magical!

  4. Oh, my! The smoke has brought your sunbeams to life!

  5. stunning image and thoughtful words. I always think that in times of trial humans can be at their best.
    I kow that here in our little town we are all working together to rebuild.
    Take care.

  6. The streams of light are so magical. Lovely soft colours and shadows in this scene.

  7. There's a dream-like quality to this photo that makes me want to drop to the ground and nap!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.