Saturday, July 27, 2013

...i drop words of comfort...

there are days I drop words of comfort on myself 
like falling rain & remember it is enough to be taken care of by myself.

i love this black and white.
i posted the color version.
a couple of weeks ago.
i believe it also captured the subject.
this is a milkweed leaf.
off my back deck.
that was left lacey.
by a bug.
it looks grainy.
because of the leaf particles.
being left by the hungry chap.
received rain yesterday.
my grass has been beyond thirsty.
but today.
i see a hue of green beginning again.
life is good.
when something as simple.
as a green hue to your grass.
makes you smile.
just BE.


  1. being kind to oneself is a gift only you can give.
    Lovely photo and I especially like your header.

  2. Wonderful capture, Robin! It's always good to be able to say and believe that life is good and be able to see again those things that make you smile! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. what a marvelous image you've captured! indeed, it's the simpler things in life that can bring the most joy. have a wonderful weekend.

  4. It seems like a completely different image in black and white. Love the quote, of course. It should be enough, shouldn't it?

  5. The grainy wood is a wonderful palette for this mesh of intricate shadow. Stunning in monochrome.

  6. Very unique and interesting shadow.

  7. The large shadow in this photo reminds me so much of a blanket or quilt being spread over someone at bedtime.

    Shadow Songs

  8. Hi there!
    I can see your art is still going strong :)
    I've had a great and long summer, beautiful weather etc. and slowly thinking if I should start blogging again...I feel free but I also miss SSS friends...
    Maybe I'll activate myself for next weekend...
    Anyways, have a good week ahead, see you soon!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.