Saturday, April 6, 2013

...little packets of light...

these are little packets of light
& you need to plant them
early in the year
& remember to mark where 
they were because
lots of times they look like weeds in the beginning
& and its not until later you see
how beautiful they really are.

the sun shone.
a brilliant light yesterday.
so camera in hand.
to capture shadows.
light snowflakes today.
spring is trying.
but mother nature.
apparently has some winter left.
in her vase.
join us.
just BE.


  1. The pine cone invites me to reflect on the seeds that might be ready to germinate in my own life. Thank you, Robin.

  2. You always find such lovely and creative shadow shots, Robin, and I always look forward to visiting your blog! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!

  3. Little swirls of curls make my lips turn upwards.

  4. The miracle of Spring is shown as nature of the past is unearthed as the snow melts. The seasonal change is upon us even as snow is still in the air. The warmth will arrive soon as we have been ready for the season...for months! Hope Western MI is spared the worst of a late winter...

  5. what a lovely sequence of close-ups...

  6. Ah! What a nice representation of images for that sweet poem! Little packets of light. That warms me up! Hey-I hope mother nature's vase of snow iss about empty for you guys there.
    Time to get geared up for the warm weather that's a comin'!

  7. Love the subdued tones in these macros! A sense of beautiful stillness!

  8. Interesting!
    I like the last one the best.
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  9. Beautiful shots!!!
    We've had beautiful, sunny days but today has been perfect for sewing :)
    Have a good week ahead!

  10. Elegant photography ~ ^_^

  11. Love the idea of "little packets of light". I really like the perspective from which you took the pine cone shot, too. Very creative.

  12. Yes, getting teased with Spring is almost more cruel than winter itself. Love the little robin. Me and the girls look forward to spotting the robins come Spring almost as much as the daffodils.

  13. What interesting shots! Love the shadows and the quote.

  14. I love it when the teeny seedlings appear...Happy Tuesday!
    Love your photos!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.