Saturday, February 9, 2013

...the spirit should never grow old...

"if wrinkles must be written upon our brow,

 let them not be written upon the heart; 

the spirit should never grow old."

James A. Garfield

to my delight.
the sun is shining.
it is shining through minus four degrees.
there were many.
happy shadow moments.
probably spent way to many moments.
capturing them.
but the one.
that warms my heart the most.
is the one i found.
on this picture painted by my Grampa Herman.
with painfully crippled  hands.
he started painting at age 79.
i have never seen the sun shine here before.
i cherish this painting.
hi grampa.
thank you for coming to me today.
in this beautiful way.
join us.
just BE.


  1. oh, what a sweet conversation with your grandpa!
    lovely golden-lit shadow on his painting

  2. How fortunate for you that you have something of your Grandfather's like this! I barely have memories of mine, but to have memories and a cherished item is golden. Love the lace curtain details too. Sumptuous!

  3. My spirit would never grow old, looking at those magical lacy shadows!

  4. What a lovely memory of your Grandfather and delightful shadow shots for the day, Robin! Always lifts my spirits to visit your blog and read the words of wisdom that you share with us! Thank you! Enjoy your weekend!!

  5. Such a lovely painting Robin, and those precious memories too. There used to be a water mill like that on some ground we own. It was pulled down in the early 1960's and is just a pile of stones. It stood a few metres away from the old stone barn on my header picture.

  6. Visual remembrances from grandfathers are always to cherish...that they may stay with us along with our memories is so nice. He may have had arthritic hands but like all artists, they see the big picture from the beginning. Nice memory and beautiful painting!

  7. sweet and soft images to go with the memory of your Grandfather.
    Enjoy your sunny day- we have one here also!

  8. A magical post! The lacy shadows are so soft and enchanting! But the beauty of your grandfather's presence, on the wings of sunlight casting shadows on his painting is ultra special!

  9. How nice that your grandfather took up painting at 79 ~ and that you have this memory of him to cherish.

    He did come to see you through that beautiful sunbeam, I'm sure of it.

  10. lovely shadows. But the painting cought my eyes. It is glowing. Love it.

  11. Oh my I love all of these shots. The lace is just wonderful!

    Happy weekend! :-)

  12. Wow! absolute gorgeous. The prost is my highlight again...

    Grandpa is really dear casting some shadow to share with us.

    Hugs dear Rob,
    /CC girl

  13. Very enlightened post and beautiful photography ~

    Carol from (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  14. Beautiful images and a beautiful memory. AND sunshine. What a glorious moment.

  15. I love the lacey shadows.

  16. beautiful, lacy shadows! so pretty!

  17. 'It's never too late...'
    Your grandfather was very talented. I like that mystic picture...
    We haven't seen sun for many days. Right now it's raining and tonight turning to minus - means difficulties in traffic tomorrow.
    Have a nice week!

  18. Lovely shots and quote! Love your post - especially about your granpa.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.