Saturday, January 26, 2013

...the still point in the middle...

when life is hectic or stressed,
remember that every hurricane has it's "eye,"
the still point in the middle of the raging winds.
you too can retain a calm center,
by remembering that your essential self is immune to circumstances.
trust in your ability to respond to any situation
with courage and wisdom
you can draw from the core of your being.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment

i think we forget.
how strong we really are.
don't forget.
just BE.


  1. What a great shadow shot, Robin, and a great reminder to us all as well!! Hope your weekend is going well! Stay warm!!

  2. When we are tested is when we learn our true strength!

    I've been told I'm strong, I'm resilient..I never quite believe it. But I guess I should.

  3. We get bogged down in the minutiae of details and such - that is when we forget our resiliency and our doggedness and strength. To be able to analyze and correct the situation. Strength we have - just need to remember and realize it...

  4. Amazing shot Robin!
    The beautiful individual snow crystals are really a great visual reminder that it is recognizing of: the tiny, individual,& over-looked, that will give us the blessing of a good content life or not.

  5. I always love your photography!

    Shadow Shots
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Love the parallel of life's tumults with a hurricane and its eye - the still, small voice, the peace, the silence within! So lovely! And adore your atmospheric photo! The bokeh is enchanting!

  7. Very artistic Rob? and the prose is always one of the highlight of your posts.

    Loving them.

    Hope you enjoy your w/end.


  8. A truly beautiful post . . . I love the photo and I love the words. Thank you.

  9. Very creative shadow photography ~

    Carol of: (A Creative Harbor)

  10. What an interesting and creative photo. As usual, your words are "right on" and well worth remembering. Mickie :)

  11. Very inspiring words and a beautiful photo to go along with it.
    Always a joy to stop by!

  12. respond with courage and wisdom...throughout any life happening. You are very wise yourself Robin. Intriguing shadow...Mysterious.

  13. Robin girl this is beautiful .. our snow flakes are like this right now .. I wish I was brave enough to bear the cold out doors to take some pictures of it. For now I will enjoy yours : )
    I need to believe I can be that strong too girl.

  14. Love the quote you used - especially the line "you can draw from the core of your being." We all need to do this.
    Such an interesting photo as well!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.