Sunday, November 18, 2012


according to yoga,
our perception is made up of two elements:
purusa and prakriti.
purusa is our pure internal consciousness,
the part of ourselves that "watches"all our actions,
while prakriti is everything external:
our bodies, matter, and the universe itself.
we see the truth clearly with our purusa,
but it's clouded by habit and false understanding,
and we confuse our true "selves" with external things,
such as our bodies or possessions. 
only the constant practice of awareness can 
separate purusa and prakriti,
and help us toward clear thinking.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment

what a difference.
24 hours can make.
fog and frost.
today sunshine.
if we just give ourselves.
24 hours.
for that new day to dawn.
what was "foggy"yesterday.
will be clear today.
and today.
you are ready to take on anything.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. Gorgeous photos. I especially like the foggy ones. They're very mysterious.

    And yes, a single day can make all the difference in the world.

  2. Robin your pictures are really lovely. The frosted seed heads are so simple and yet beautiful. Have a good week.

  3. All very interesting shots, especially the frosty ones, but my favorites are the cats!
    Have a blessed day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. ...what was foggy yesterday will be clear today....SO TRUE.

    Your images are stupendous. I love FOG....that one with the, quite poignant. And your kitties?!!!!! Gotta love those kitty-kats! :o)

  5. The frost photos are simply delightful, Robin. Thank you for peering closely at these magnificent crystals, and for sharing them with us.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.