Sunday, July 15, 2012


sometimes i see myself as a child in a rain storm,
 running around trying to catch all the drops in his mouth.
 i long for your adventures
 to be like the raindrops
 the child saves and not those which crash to the ground.

the first drops of rain always bring a smile on our faces. 
the smell of wet soil, the damp grass, 
and the slosh of puddles under our feet
 make us want to dance with wanton joy.
 rains make a heart go romantic.
 ever danced in the rain?
 the feeling is inexplicably beautiful.
 hold your sweetheart's hand 
and walk in the rains while the clouds play cupid.

the rain.
kissed the earth.
quenching it's overdue thirst.
the earth was not ready.
for the rain to be done.
but it chooses.
not to be greedy.
but grateful for what it  received.
may we give thanks.
with a grateful heart.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.


  1. If only you could hear the sighs being emitted from me as I scrolled down each image!
    Ahhhhhhh!!! What a treat! We would have fun together on a photo outing-that I know for sure!

  2. i agree paula...we definitely would!!!

  3. simply exquisite this week Robin...the photos and of the child catching raindrops on his/her tongue.

  4. Beautiful images, nothing quite like Summer rain, everything smells so different.

  5. Wonderful captures of the raindrops with your lens!

  6. me too...sighing so big and deep here. I adore you Robin. Your talents are breathtakingly stunning. ~DO A BOOK!~


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.