Saturday, March 17, 2012

...things were being looped around...

ec.lec.tic  [ih-klek-tik]

selecting or choosing from various sources.
made up of what is selected from different sources.

i really enjoyed the sort of real crazy,
 eclectic layering stuff
 and how it all worked together.
 i could tell it was some of it was derivative of something. 
i could tell that certain 
things were being looped around
 and i just really enjoyed the way that it all came together.
Eric San

that is me today.
one subject.
from various.
i am usually.
a one shadow girl.
but not today.
this has been a beautiful week.
of sun and warm temps.
even left the kitchen window.
open last night.
woke up to fifty-five degrees this morning.
living in the moment .
while it lasts.
happy, live in the moment, weekend.
just BE.


  1. I like your wide array of shadows today. Is that a kitty shadow in your second, or perhaps Batman lurking on your deck? :)

  2. Selecting the source and choosing the perfect source is your best quality.

    Loving every words in your prose. Another day in bloglandia with your prose is like giving me more energy.

    Perfect source + bes quality= great job done.


  3. Wonderful words, delightful captures (I really love the cat's ears), and a beautiful post as always, Robin! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!


  4. This IS an eclectic bunch of shots. All lovely. Gotta say, the clown is my fave. Happy St.Paddy's Day and SSS!

  5. I laughed when I saw the second shadow shot, as I have just been watching an old Batman film on tv while I was sewing this afternoon!

  6. Very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  7. I love these shots with their shadows:
    Some lovely pictures.

  8. I especially like the key - being eclectic merely means unlocking our imaginations in finding shadowy art! THe usual and perhaps mundane makes for soft and perfect shadows. I see a cat's ears...or is it an illusion. Plenty of subjects exist to make us look and admire. Lovely captures!

  9. Your joy in the moment threads beautifully through the macro views of your world. Like taking a second look at the small things, those things that stand by us each day and finding their beauty in light and shadow! A delightful post!

  10. Lovely shadow pics--I'm with you, why enjoy just one thing when there are so many wonderful things out there. Eclectic is good!!! Mickie :)

  11. Great selection of shadows, and nice to hear that you were able to get some sunshine..

    Autumn is definitely here, and the weather is cooling down.

    Have a great week.

  12. It's no secret I think, that I am eclectic! I love the bounty of images you treated us to this week! Such a wonderful quality of light.

  13. “The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions.”
    John A. Simone
    SUNNY greetings from Helsinki! We have still (dirty) snow but it looks like winter is finally over.
    Happy Sunday!

  14. Eclectic here is fun! It's great to celebrate the sun. Over Ontario it has been mostly overcast this winter so the sun and shadows are sooo appreciated.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.