Saturday, January 14, 2012

...and the snowman smiles...

Snowmen fall from Heaven, Some assembly required

Beautiful feathery flakes of snow 
Over the woodland and field they go 
Making a blanket so warm and deep 
Over the flowers that lie asleep

the time of snow has arrived.
the area schools called a snow day yesterday.
mainly so they could have a four day weekend?
or maybe because it was jan.13th
in michigan
and we just now had a snowfall that amounted
to something.
at this stage in the game...
i , dare say, it's pretty. this stage in the game...
it's january 
spring is right around the corner!!!
so for now...
let's go bask in some sun.
just BE.


  1. Are you the one who had all the fun putting this snow creature together? :)


    When you see the shadows dance,
    Be it Mexico or France,
    You may join the shadow fun,
    Dancing till the day is done!

    © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadowy Pathways and Shadowy Stones

  2. What a fun shadow shot for the day, Robin! My daughter lives in Michigan and she had emailed me about the snow. We're actually expecting snow in Seattle this week???? Who knows! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!


  3. You make learning how to 'just be' all the more approachable with your weekly coaching. Lovely!

  4. We got a white blanket too!
    It's only three weeks and I'm off to Spain for two weeks. Need to escape from this Nordic country - to get the idea of spring! Can't wait!
    Happy Sunday!
    ps. next time you visit Helsinki - pls let me know, don't just leave your footprint on the sand thank you! :)

  5. it had been so long since we had snow here that when we got 6 inches the other day, people had forgotten how to drive in it. spin-outs! I hope you enjoy your beautiful snow! Winter is already almost half over, but I bet there's still lots of it yet to come. happy SSS to you Robin.

  6. Mid 20s overnight, low 70s by Monday. Wildly fluctuating temperatures in my part of the world with no snow in sight. That's okay. I just enjoy others' through their photos and blog posts. The beauty without the fuss. :)

  7. I'm tryin' to "just be."

    Love your blog. Reading it relaxes me.

    And yup, it's January. 'Nuf said.

    Have a great week seeking shadows..maybe some are hidden in the snow?

  8. Our weather has turned colder this weekend, but we have had hardly any snow this winter, which suits me just fine!!

  9. The snowperson assembly is always the most fun part - we can add a personality to it, make it happy. The form does not have to be perfect, but an individual one. Snowpeople can be as special as we feel they should be!

    Well, winer up north and especially in MI can be difficult, so the snow day can be expected...although the four day weekend sits in the back of my mind. Snow can bea welcome addition to some!

  10. He makes me smile.
    In the 60's here and loving it!

  11. Love your Snowman, we are still waiting for some warm weather here in New Zealand.

    Lots of wind and rain for us this year.

  12. That's lovely!

    Come find out the origin of my shadow last week.

  13. Wow, snowmen fall from the sky where you live?! he he. I miss snow. Happy SSS.

  14. Lovely, love your words and the just BE. Sometimes thats all we need to just "BE" and that is enough. xxx Happy week to you.

  15. A fun shadow for a snowy day. We had our first taste of winter at the end of the week too.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.