Saturday, August 20, 2011

...everybody's gotta start at nothing...

...sometimes nothing is everything...
~brent james -album: moment of silence

infinite riches
are all around you
if you will open up your mental eyes
and behold the treasure house of infinity within you.
there is a gold mine within you
 from which you can extract everything
you need to live life
and abundantly.
~joseph murphy

had an awesome night
at the union street station in traverse city.
with hubby.
for our anniversary.
26th on the 17th.
went to hear brent james.
amazingly talented young man.
i can't say enough great things about him.
we also met up with his folks.
it was a great night...
but i might be a bit old...
to be out until 3:00 am.
thanks for beautiful memories brian.
love you much!!
head to
for more light and shadows.
just BE.


  1. All it takes for growth is the tiniest bit of sunlight, and there is no impediment to growing, be it a deck or a sidewalk. Nothing to deter it...

    Celebrations of longevity of a lovely relationship results in a late night and little sleep. The celebratory mood shall never age, 3:00 AM merely a point in time...Congrats!

  2. wow, 3 a.m.! I do that occasionally myself and think the same thing, but every once in awhile doesn't hurt anyone, right? congrats on your 26th, that's wonderful. happy SSS to you Robin.

  3. Without persistence no plant would grow...

  4. Hello, little green thing shooting up between the deck boards--how are you today?


    If I had a shadow as big as the sky,
    I never would fear, and I’ll tell you why:

    My shadow would save me from dragons and things
    That fly in the night with terrible wings;

    My shadow would keep me away from the beast
    That sniffs in the west and sniffs in the east

    Hungry for children who play all alone,
    Hoping to feast upon blood, upon bone;

    My shadow would be my protector and knight
    To keep fear at bay, to banish all fright.

    I’m so glad my shadow is always nearby,
    Though it’s not nearly as big as the sky!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows in hoofprints and stone

  5. Love the freshness of this determined new growth in your photo! The boards are a challenge but that does not stop the plant stamping its identity!

  6. Happy anniversary kids and so lucky to still like each other, it's not easy in this old world these days to be friends in marriage, but it sounds like you guys have great bones!!!

    Got some rain a moment ago, just enough to get me sprinkled on the way to closing down the coop...I left a piece of furniture in the back of my truck, cause it always rains when I do...guess I better load up the truck with stuff huh. The rain lasted long enough to give the parched earth that smell of hope, but not enough for it to smell like dew know the smell right!

    Had 2 more eggs in the nest when I got home from work, hope the other two start to get the idea soon or they could be joining Louie for Sunday dinner.

    Have a great Sunday lil Sis...hey Tilda, shall we do the rain dance!!! The word verification is 'muckle''s a sign...right!

  7. Happy Anniversary, Robin! Sounds as though you had a wonderful evening and what a great way to celebrate!! Love the simplicity of your shadow shot for the day!


  8. Happy anniversary!! Looks like we got married in the same year!! Ours is in April. Congrats to you both!

    And, what a lovely, lovely sprout to shout out the day with!

  9. That tiny green thing leaves a big shadow! Nice capture. I adore your header!! WoW

  10. Looks so pretty. I would not want to "pluck" this!

  11. A lovely little shadow shot! Happy Anniversary - it's our 25th one on the 29th.

  12. lovely shadow shots. Somehow these images give me so much hope. Thank you.

    And happy anniversary to you! How wonderful. I'm glad you had a nice time. And happy SSS.


  13. What sweet it! Happy belated anniversary:)

  14. Happy anniversary!
    3 a.m...can't remember when I was out that late. :)
    Your shot is stylish!


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.