Saturday, October 30, 2010

it's said that each time
you catch a fall leaf
as it drops from a tree,
you win a wish for the coming year.
and there are few
more hilarious,
live-in-the-moment activities
than chasing leaves around
on a golden autumn afternoon.
catching them is harder
than you think,
but each time you succeed,
close your eyes,
and make your wish.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment

chase a leaf.
chase a shadow.
we had gale force winds
here this week.
not many leaves left around.
but there are a few.
i will meet you under the tree.
just BE.


  1. Great post, terrific capture and wonderful words to start my day! I think I'll definitely try chasing some leaves today!! Have a wonderful weekend, Robin!


  2. Girl, don't ever do that with bifocals on, no tellin' where you'll wind up...I haven't conquered them yet!

    Don't be afraid of the things that go bump in the night, could be that derned baby head lookin' for it's buttee...heehee!

    Have a wonderful weekend lil' sis and Ma Tilda!

    I'm off to work!


  3. Well now, that sounds fun! I wish you many wishes :-)

  4. When our fruitless mulberry drops its leaves, it does it all in one day. It 'rains' leaves! So, I guess I should go out there when it does and catch leaves all day long and I'll have luck to last me the rest of my life!

  5. I suppose catching an individual snowflake may be a bit tougher! Yet, the little victory of one catch and one wish is to savor. We can dream of that catch, and dreams just may come true...

  6. pretty shadows...I wish I could chase a leaf...but I have to sit and let them come to me.

  7. Ooh, I like this a lot: the vivid red, the sharp shadows, the warmish light...very nice.

  8. Pretty post in every way.


  9. I'd never heard that! What fun it would be thoi to chase the leaves with anticipation!
    Lovely photo!

  10. Sweet shadows and love the red! I'd very much like to meet under the tree. You bring the coffee and I'll bring the cake. I hope those gale force winds stay away! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Robin :)

  11. Leaf chasing it will be later today....... :)

  12. I've never heard that before...I can't believe all the opportunities I've missed to make more! Lovely SS!!

  13. We've never heard of catching leaves for a wish....sounds like a fun thing to do with little people! Love your shadow catch this weekend!

  14. Oh I love this shot, lovely capture.

  15. Fabulous post - words and image, both.


i am so blessed you sat with me and shared your thoughts.