Sunday, September 28, 2014


“For many years, I have been moved by the blue at the far edge of what can be seen,
 that color of horizons, of remote mountain ranges, of anything far away. 
The color of that distance is the color of an emotion, 
the color of solitude and of desire, the color of there seen from here, 
the color of where you are not. And the color of where you can never go.” 

if only.
the color.
would stay.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

...what color are souls?...

What color are souls? she said &
I said, Color isn’t that much of an issue
when you’re talking souls.

this color.
touches my soul.
for more color.
come visit me tomorrow.
for coffee hour.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


trying to follow in the footsteps of the masters,
but it's a lot harder than it looks
because even tho they had the same size feet as us,
they weren't looking down the whole time 
while they walked to make sure they were doing it right

dance to the beat.
of your own drum.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

...she thought it'd be easy...

Once, there was a girl who wanted to change the world 
& at first, she thought it’d be easy, 
because if everyone could see how beautiful it’d be, 
it’d take about a minute, 
but all the people she talked to were too busy
 to stop and listen.
So, she went off & did beautiful things all on her own
 & pretty soon people were stopping 
and asking if they could come along & do that, too 
& that’s how she figured out how worlds change.

light poured in.
and shadows danced.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


when a beam of sunlight catches the
resplendent tail feathers of a peacock, the effect is one of
dazzling beauty. in the same way, people can surprise us when
we see them in a different light from usual, or in different
circumstances. be alert to flashes of unexpected beauty all
around you,
from family and friends-surprising acts of courage,
compassion, wit, or wisdom.
such moments will enrich your life.
~1,001 ways to live in the moment

fall is stepping closer.
as my grandma byers said...
"summer has caught a cold"
it is amazing how nature takes on a new look.
with the changing of the seasons.
the clouds.
the gardens.
the shadows.
i am a spring and summer girl at heart.
i am never prepared.
for fall.
to winter.
welcome to coffee hour.
welcome to this Sunday morning.
just BE.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

...spin webs the color of sky & catch drops of sunlight...

walking softly like a spider in the early morning
~storypeople (dot) com

while i don't necessarily like spiders.
i do love their webs.
in the early morning dew.
and what a treasure.
to find a spider web.
with a shadow.
enjoy the moments.
just BE.